

The Gang




Penguin (Pororo and Petty)
Dinosaur (Crong)
Beaver (Loopy)
Fox (Eddy)
Polar Bear (Poby)
Hummingbird (Harry)


Male (Pororo, Crong, Eddy, Poby and Harry)
Female (Loopy and Petty)


Rody, Tong Tong, Popo and Pipi, Tu-tu, The Dragon, Seal, Seal's mother, The Aliens, Shark (sometimes), The Yeti, The Yeti's minions, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Elephant, Monkeys, Nyao, Clock, Winter Witch, The Princess of the Cookie Castle, Duke, The King of the Cookie Castle, Santa Claus, The Cookie Castle Guards and Royal Service, Chocolate Makers, Racers, Toto and Mango, Captain Silver, the Princess from the video game, Arlo, dinosaurs, Captain Silver and his crew, Snow Fairy Village Citizens


Count Chocolato, Winter Witch (formerly), Candy Makers, Fufu, Brown Bear, Bears, The Yeti (formerly), The Yeti's minions (formerly), Pig Pirate Captain, Pig Pirates, Devil Spider, Lava Monster and his skeleton dinosaurs, Alien Hunter and his robots, Captain Dark and his crew, Shark (sometimes)


Penguin (Pororo and Petty)
Dinosaur (Crong)
Beaver (Loopy)
Fox (Eddy)
Polar Bear (Poby)
Hummingbird (Harry)

First appearance

"We're friends!" (Pororo, Crong, Loopy, Eddy, Poby)
"Hello, Friends" (Petty)
"My Name is Harry" (Harry)


15 (Poby)
10 (Eddy)
8 (Pororo and Petty)
7 (Loopy)
5 (Harry)
3 (Crong)

The Gang are the main characters in Pororo the Little Penguin.


  • IMG 3746 B07ce333fdff571c94640761217d04fa Pororo
    • Pororo: An eight-year-old penguin who is the leader of the gang. He is a curious penguin who sometimes causes mischief with his friends. He lives with Crong at his house. He owns a red plane and wants to fly. His catchphrase is "I have a great idea!" He has a crush on Petty.
  • Crong Seasons 1 and 2 AboutUs 4 crong Crong
    • Crong: A three-year-old green dinosaur who is the youngest of the gang. He is a cute but naughty dinosaur. He often causes some trouble between others, but he still cares about everyone nonetheless. He can only say "Crong, Crong!" subverted as he is also able to say Pororo's name too. He can also make throaty sighing noises.
  • Loopy Seasons 1 and 2 Loopy Loopy
    • Loopy: A seven-year-old pink beaver who is shy and sensitive. When she gets mad, she can be a bit rude and moody. She has a crush on Eddy and admires Pororo. She is one of the nicest members in the gang, along with Poby. She is known as a great cook but a bad sporter. Her catchphrase is "Oh ho ho ho!"
  • Eddy Seasons 1 and 2 Eddy Eddy
    • Eddy: A ten-year-old browned-orange fox who is the smartest of his friends and a gadget genius. Sometimes a plot point is one of his inventions going wrong and causing trouble. He has a crush on Loopy. His inventions often malfunction or do things they aren't programmed to, much to his chagrin. His catchphrase is "If there's a problem, we'll solve it!"
  • PobyTransplant PobyWithBlocks Poby
    • Poby: A fifteen-year-old polar bear who is the largest and oldest of the gang. He is a very strong but kind polar bear. At times, he is a slow thinker. Along with Loopy, they are the nicest of the gang. He is good at fishing. He is quite comedic. His catchphrase is "Guys, calm down!"
  • Petty Season 2 Petty Petty
    • Petty: An eight-year-old female penguin who is rather tomboyish, but very sweet. She is the opposite of Loopy: She is a great sporter, but a bad cook. She's highly energetic. She has a crush on Pororo and admires Eddy. Her catchphrase is "Huh? What's the matter?"
  • Harry Harry
    • Harry: A five-year-old ruby hummingbird who is is small, but don't think he's a pushover. He loves singing. He lives with Poby in his house. He is a mood-swinger and he is very emotional. He is a small hummingbird, but short-tempered and bossy sometimes. His catchphrase is "Wow!"


  • Rody Rody
    • Rody: A strong, trustful robot who is built by Eddy. Fiercely loyal and obedient, he is often grateful for any kind gestures the gang bestows upon him.
  • Tong-Tong Tong-Tong
    • Tong-Tong: An orange dragon whose magic powers are achieved by chanting his own name many times; very often, his magic backfires, and can cause trouble for the gang. He can also magically morph into a large dragon to fly long distances, but he often has difficulty landing.
  • PopoPipi Popo and Pipi
    • Popo and Pipi: Two alien twins who are opposites of each other. Popo is shy while Pipi is energetic and outgoing. They both live in Planet Pipo but sometimes visit Porong Porong Forest.
  • Tutu Tu-Tu
    • Tu-Tu: A red, solar-powered supercar who can drive the friends around the village. When he gets no fuel, he stays in the sun to get more fuel. He can be playful sometimes. Used to live in Porong Porong Forest, he now lives with Tong Tong.


  • To get the topping to the Cookie Castle and restore Poby back to normal (succeeded; Pororo to the Cookie Castle)
  • To win the race and defeat Fufu and Brown Bear (succeeded; Pororo, the Racing Adventure)
  • To save the Snow Fairy Kingdom and defeat the Lava Monster (succeeded; Pororo, Snow Fairy Adventure)
  • To defeat the Devil Spider and save the princess and Chichi (succeeded; Pororo Cyberspace Adventure)
  • To save the Dinosaur Kingdom (succeeded; Pororo, Dinosaur Island Adventure)
  • To find the treasure and prevent Captain Dark and his crew from touching the map (succeeded; Pororo, Pirate Island Adventure)
  • To get away from pig pirates (succeeded; Porong Porong Rescue Mission)


  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6
  • Season 7
  • Pororo to the Cookie Castle
  • Pororo and the Racing Adventure
  • Pororo Snow Fairy Adventure
  • Pororo Cyberspace Adventure
  • Pororo, Dinosaur Island Adventure
  • Pororo, Treasure Island Adventure


Season 1

It all started with Pororo, Loopy, Eddy and Poby who met on Porong Porong Forest after they stumbled on it. They became friends and built their own houses. They also built the playground.

Some time afterwards, a mysterious dinosaur egg warped up into the forest and Pororo found it. It hatched into Crong. Pororo is scared at first, but after a crazy adventure with Poby, Loopy and Eddy, they warm up and became friends. Pororo also adopted Crong as a younger brother.

After Crong came to the forest, the friends had a lot of crazy adventures like hanging on a kite and having a train adventure. They love meeting each other and having fun.

Pororo to the Cookie Castle

One day, they all went to the Cookie Castle, but was stopped by the Winter Witch, she then turns Poby into a teddy bear and Pororo, Crong, Loopy and Eddy ran away from her. They then need to stop Count Chocolato from getting the Topping and they must save Christmas. But they managed to complete the mission and save Poby. The Winter Witch redeems and turns Poby back to himself again.

Season 2

Some time afterwards, Poby got new overalls and Loopy got a new hair clip. Also, a penguin girl named Petty came to the forest when Pororo, Crong, Loopy, Eddy and Poby were playing hide and seek. Pororo and Eddy also had a crush on her. Loopy invites her to her house for dinner but did not invite the boys. When the boys came in her house, they started "serving" Petty water. Loopy gets mad and they turned "normal" again. And when the boys served Loopy water, they all share a laugh.When Petty kissed Eddy's cheek, Pororo and Poby also tries to ask for a kiss, but Loopy was jealous and says that they are hopeless. They all then share a laugh.

Some time afterwards, Harry came when the Gang were playing soccer they gave him a warm welcome and he says that the place he first came from was too dangerous for him to live. He then found a book which says about Summer Island. Harry took off but stumbled upon Porong Porong Forest instead.

After Harry comes, the Gang had a bunch of adventures like having a shark attack in the ocean, hanged out many times, met Petty's friend, the dragon, and even stayed together when there is a huge snow. They even ran away from a robot cook.

Pororo and the Racing Adventure

Some time after, they watched the Northpia race and supports the White Tiger, and they met Toto and Mango, two turtles who claims that they are the "trainers" of the white Tiger and Toto gave them training. Pororo and his friends then went to Northpia to become racers. There, when they are about to give up because Toto lies about they are the champions, but Pororo refuses and they made a hand holding and they started making their own sled. They then raced against Fufu and Brown Bear, who had been disqualified from the race 2 years ago for foul play and they won the race together.

Pororo, Snow Fairy Adventure

After the race, they went to the Snow Kingdom after breaking ice. They met the citizens, who were in danger because of the Lava Monster. They defeated the Lava Monster and saved the kingdom.

Pororo, Cyberspace Adventure

Some time afterwards, the gang got sucked into a video game and they must defeat the spider king in order to save Prince Chichi and the princess. They defeated it with the golden hammer and saved the world.

Pororo, Dinosaur Island Adventure

They once traveled to a dinosaur world and escaped from an alien hunter's lair, but Pororo, Crong, Loopy, Eddy and Harry must rescue Poby and Petty, who had been captured by the Alien Hunter. They met Arlo and the other dinosaurs and saved the world again.

Pororo, Treasure Island Adventure

They then traveled away from Porong Porong Village to explore the other islands, solved a mystery and even battled a bunch of pirates. They met Captain Silver and his friends and they defeated the evil pirates.

Season 3

Some time after their adventures, a UFO crashed and they met Popo and Pipi, 2 aliens. They greeted them with a warm welcome and they had fun together. They also met Rody, Eddy's assistant robot. They even met Tong Tong, the dragon wizard. They also had a bunch of adventures like going into a dangerous trip in an iceberg, playing with a shark, fixing Popo and Pipi's spaceship and even going on a quest with Tong Tong to save Rody, the Clock and Nyao.

Season 4

After a while, the gang met Tu-tu, who stumbled upon the forest with the help of the whale. They also have been on crazy adventures like rescuing Eddy from the sharks, having a sled race, Poby and Harry having an adventure in Summer Island, Pororo and Crong having an adventure in the Butterlfy Forest, etc. They still sticked together.

Season 5

One time, Pororo and Rody almost lost their friendships with Crong and Eddy because of one badminton game, but after Tong Tong's suggestion of having a picnic, they apologized to each other and had a wonderful time, even though Pororo still sometimes has a sibling-like with Crong and a friendly rivalry with Eddy. They also had a mini concert made by Harry. One time, Eddy tricks the rest of the gang into cleaning his house and they gave him a difficult riddle which is about friendship to solve. One time, the gang takes Pororo and Petty into a cave and they had a crazy adventure, where Eddy who is dressed as a monster who is going to scare Petty. They also made new sleds and visited Tong Tong. They even put on a play and made spring water for Harry. They also had little arguments because of Eddy accidentally destroying Harry's house. They also took a group photo with Rody, Tong Tong and Tu-tu.

Season 6

One time, Rody almost died and Eddy was crying very hard and when his tear touched Rody's heart, he comes back to life. Harry also wanted birthday presents that he likes. Pororo almost lost his friendship with Crong because of many arguments and the gang also had a crazy adventure in Summer Island. They also made a talent show and one time, Loopy keeps naging them and the had a crazy adventure. Petty and Harry also made a special cake for the gang.

Season 7

One day, Crong accidentally sends Rody to the moon and the gang needed to bring him back. After several failed acts, they successfully brought Rody back to Porong Porong Forest. In that season, the gang also has many different adventures, like Harry growing bigger, helping Tong Tong with the spells, having a cooking showdown, playing "superheroes" with Crong, battling against the sharks in the ocean, finding Crong in the forest and travelling with Tong Tong in the mysterious forest.

Other Adventures

One time, Pororo and Crong traveled to Korea and the friends need to find them. On the way, they met Nami and her family who helped them through the adventure. After hearing that the others are being chased by some workers, Pororo and Crong team up and save them.

One time, some pig pirates came to Porong Porong Forest and captured all of Pororo's friends. Luckily, Pororo and Eddy escaped and teamed up to save their friends with the help of Tong Tong and the sharks. In the end, Pororo and Eddy saved the friends and the sharks are chasing the pig pirates for their crimes.

One time, the friends successfully went to space and Crong got lost. With the help of some aliens, the friends managed to reunite with Crong.

One time, the gang travelled in the ocean and met some fish friends. Their parents warn them about the Coral Reef Playground because of the shark. The shark then met Pororo, Crong, Petty and Harry and explained that he used to be friends with the fishes but not anymore because of the hide and seek experience. He then explained that a shark can easily grow bigger and he doesn't want his son to be lonely. In the end, the friends helped the father and son sharks make friends with the fishes by making a stage show for them.

One time, after Pororo and Loopy went to the bathroom because they ate some wild berries, the giant captured the other friends and Pororo and Loopy need to rescue them. However, they need to work as a team to do so because they keep on fighting throughout the whole journey. They also met the Giant's little twins and managed to convince the Giant to not be overprotective to the twin brothers.

List of Adventures

  • Rolling down the mountain with Crong in "We're Friends!"
  • Rescuing Pororo and Crong in "Treasure Hunt" and "I am Superpenguin".
  • Helping Loopy face her fear of heights in "Loopy, You Can Do It!"
  • Rising in the sky in Eddy's kite in "Kite Flying".
  • Having an adventurous train adventure in "Train Adventure".
  • Helping Poby fall asleep in the night again in "Sleepless Poby".
  • Finding Pororo in "Lost In Forest".
  • Rescuing Eddy in "Eddy's Balloon".
  • Visiting each other's houses most times in the show.
  • Playing together in most times in the show.
  • Greeting Petty when she first came in Porong Porong Forest in "Hello, Friends".
  • Building Petty's house for Petty in "Petty's House".
  • Cheering Crong up in "It's A Dinosaur!"
  • Building a sail in "Sailing In The Forest".
  • Greeting Harry when he first came to Porong Porong Forest and building a house for him in "My Name Is Harry" and "I Love Singing".
  • Saving Poby in "I Envy You".
  • Running away from a shark attack in "Shark Attack!"
  • Going in camp and rescuing Pororo and Crong in "Thanks, Harry!"
  • Playing superheroes in "I'm Super Crong".
  • Rescuing Crong in "Don't do that!"
  • Staying in Poby's House when it is snowing heavily outside in "A Snowy Day".
  • Running away from a robot cook in "Robot Cook".
  • Rescuing Pororo and Crong in "Watch Out, Pororo!"
  • Greeting Popo and Pipi in "Popo and Pipi".
  • Having fun with Rody when he was first built in Porong Porong Forest in "Rody Is Born".
  • Having a party with Rody in "Happy Rody".