Crong (adopted brother), Loopy, Eddy, Poby, Petty (crush), Harry, Rody, Tong Tong, Popo and Pipi, Tu-tu, Dragon, Seal, Seal's mother, The Aliens, Shark (sometimes), Snow Monster, Snow Monster's minions, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Elephant, Monkeys, Nyao, Wall Clock, Winter Witch, The Princess of the Cookie Castle, Duke, The King of the Cookie Castle, Santa Claus, The Cookie Castle Guards and Royal Service, Chocolate Makers, Racers, Toto and Mango, Captain Silver, the Princess from the video game, Arlo, dinosaurs, Captain Silver and his crew, Snow Fairy Village Citizens, Nami (adoptive sister), Nami's Parents (adoptive parents), Prince Justin, The King of Lina Kingdom, The Queen of Lina Kingdom, The Valet, Tayo (No smoking Campaign, Pororo and Tayo's Facetime, Pororo in Wonderland 2, Lots of spinoffs), Duri (No smoking Campaign only), Duri's Parents (No smoking Campaign only), Hana ('Hana's Toy Show' only), Pengsoo ('Giant peng-TV' only, sometimes), Bungaeman ('Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng', 'Giant peng-TV' only), Rogi (spinoffs), Jin ari (spinoffs), Titipo (spinoffs), Lani (spinoffs), Diesel (spinoff; 뽀요뽀요 뉴스), Gani (spinoffs), Citu (spinoffs), Alice (spinoffs), Pat (spinoffs), Frank (spinoffs), Poco (spinoffs), Chris (spinoffs), Billy (spinoffs), Max (spinoffs), Bong-bong (spinoffs), Nuri (spinoffs), Speed (spinoffs), Dino the Dinosaur ('Hana's Toy Show' only; sometimes), Dino's girlfriend ('Hana's Toy Show' only)
Crong (sometimes) Eddy (sometimes) Count Chocolato Winter Witch (formerly) Candy Makers Fufu Brown Bear Bears Snow Monster (formerly) Snow Monster's minions (formerly) Pig Pirate Captain Pig Pirates Devil Spider Lava Monster and his skeleton dinosaurs Mr. Y and his robots Captain Dark and his crew Shark (formerly) fish Duke Pablo Pablo's army Nazalnanman ('Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng' only) DDae-gull ('Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng' only) Pengsoo ('Giant peng-TV' only, sometimes) Dino the dinosaur ('Hana's Toy Show' only; sometimes)
Pororo (Korean: 뽀로로 Chinese: 啵乐乐) is the main protagonist of the Pororo the Little Penguin franchise, who appears in almost every episode in the series. He also appears in Pororo Singalong, as one of the main characters.
Pororo is a little penguin that marks him as the titular character of the cast of friends and is the leader of the group. As remarked by the narrator, he is shown to be curious. He often gets into various types of mischief with his friends, which includes trying to fly and playing practical jokes on his friends. He also can have a rivalry with Crong and Eddy sometimes. Pororo resides in a pine-tree house with Crong, his dinosaur friend and adopted little brother. He is also good friends with Eddy, but is also his friendly rival.
Despite being troublesome sometimes, he is also shown to be selfless, such as when Eddy is about to fall off a bridge, he quickly went over to save him. He is also shown to be able to effectively help his friends through his quick thinking, as shown in several episodes.
Pororo also has a crush on Petty, who is his 'Dancing Partner' in the Dance Festival in "Freeze in your Position" (Pororo Singalong). This is also hinted in the third season, when Loopy tells a tale about Pororo will marry Loopy, but Pororo denied and claims that he wants to marry beautiful Princess Petty. This is also revealed in "Wake Up, Princess Petty" and "Petty, the Great Storyteller", when he tries to kiss Petty to wake her up and when he admits that he has a crush on Princess Petty. He often finds himself dumbfounded when she comes around.
Pororo is a cute blue penguin with an orange beak just like Petty who wears a tan aviator's helmet and orange goggles. Starting with the third season, he begins to wear a blue jumpsuit, an orange bandana on his neck, yellow gloves, and a yellow (golden) racing helmet, with the letter P on top. The letter P symbolises his name along with Petty and Poby.
Season 1
In "We're Friends!", Pororo was going to make a snowman, he fell down and found an egg and brought it with him into his house to cook a fried egg (as shown in the thought bubble). When Pororo wanted to break the egg but it’s already too late for it, unfortunately, because of Crong finally hatching in his egg. Pororo thought Crong was a monster to scare Pororo. Pororo got scared and he runs away. Crong not realizing what makes Pororo run, he runs off after him. As a result, Pororo understands that Crong is a friendly creature.
In "It's All Right", Pororo visited Poby's house, and played with the ball, until it hit the shelf and Poby's camera is broken, by accident. Pororo and his friends fixed Poby's camera.
Season 3
Starting from Season 3, his outfit changes. He has a yellow racing helmet with a blue stripe and an orange letter "P" in the middle, an orange bandana, golden gloves, and a blue jumpsuit. Both him and Petty gain thumbs and grow slightly
Voiced by[]
Lee Seon (All main episodes, also for '모여라 딩동댕' Special broadcast on June 23, 2012)
Bommie Han (Seasons 3-4, Porong Porong Rescue Mission, Eddy The Clever Fox, Learn Shapes and Size with Eddy, <굿모닝, 뽀카!(Today's vocabulary)>, Pororo and Tayo's Facetime, Pororo Playday (some episodes | #), Tik Tok English Set, 6-present)
Monique Dami Lee (Season 5, English Show, Pororo Goes to Korea, Pororo in my pocket, Hana's Toy Show, Meet Pororo and Friends)
"Crong, you!" ("Crong's First Word")(In Korean: 크롱, 너!!)
"Really? Crong! What did you say just now? What's my name?"(Crong: Po-roro..) ("Crong's First Word")(In Korean: 정말? 크롱! 조금 전에 뭐라고 했어? 내가 누구야?[크롱: 뽀로로..])
"Then what's this? If you get It right, you can have it!" ("Crong's First Word")(In Korean: 그럼 이건 뭐야? [크롱: (다급하게) 크롱!!] 맞추면 이제 마음껏 보게 해 줄게.)
"Petty likes me the most! Humph!!" ("Petty likes me the most")(In Korean: 패티는 날 좋아한다고! 흥!)
"Crong, don't scribble all over." ("Is Pororo Sick?") (US version)
"Crong, please do not doodle all over again." ("Is Pororo Sick?") (UK version)
"You are such a troublemaker; it won't be funny than next time!" ("Crong, I'm Sorry")
"I have a great idea!" (multiple times)
"Ah-ha!" (Pororo the great pretender)
"(Eddy: HUH?! It's a Shark!) H... Hi. we meet again..." (Crong, the Troublemaker)(In Korean: [에디: 어, 상어다!] 아, 안녕... 요즘 자주 보네...?)
"Can you fix my chimney? Things have been falling into my fireplace. Next, I need my faucet fixed. Crong broke it while fooling around." (Eddy's Riddle Game)(In Korean: 굴뚝을 좀 고쳐 줄래? 며칠 전부터 벽난로에서 뭐가 떨어지더라고. 다음엔 수도꼭지를 고쳐 줘. 크롱이 장난을 치다 망가뜨렸거든.)
"My treasure is Crong! (Crong: Crong, Crong! Poyoyo!)" (Eddy's Riddle Game)(In Korean: 내 보물은, 크롱이야! [크롱: 크롱크롱, 뽀요요!])
"Ppiri-ppiri, Here comes Robot Pororo!" ("Pororo's Special Present")(In Korean: 삐리삐리~! 뽀로로 로봇이 나가신다!)
"STOP RIGHT THERE, Crong! YOU THINK I CAN'T CATCH YOU?!" ("Petty's Presents")(In Korean: 거기 서, 크롱!! 못 잡을 줄 알고?!)
"We can use it to swing across!" ("The Adventures on Summer Island 2")
"PUT Crong down right now! (Loopy: That's right, Give us back our friend!) ("The Adventures on Summer Island 2")(In Korean: 크롱을 어서 놔줘![루피: 맞아, 크롱을 돌려 줘!])
"(chuckles) It looks like Crong has to go Number two. (stomach rumbles) Ugh... u... uh!!" (Rody and Tu-tu's Great Adventure)(In Korean: 역시 응가대장 크롱이야.)
Quotes (Spinoffs and Other franchises)[]
"Let's show them our skills." (Loopy The Cooking Princess; Kimchi, the greatest food)(In Korean: 우리 실력을 보여줘야겠군!)
"I wonder what our friends are doing right now.." (Pororo Goes To Korea; Find Pororo and Crong!)(In Korean: 친구들은 지금 뭘 하고 있을까...)
"Hi, princess." (Petty[as Snow white]: Yes?) This apple is really delicious. Do you want to try a bite?" (Pororo's English Show; Do you want to have it?)
"아~, 크롱은 로봇 장난감을 좋아합니다... 어...어, 잠깐! 그거 내 거잖아! 이리 내놔." (Pororo's English Show; I like singing)(English translation: Ah~. Crong likes robot toys. .... Wait! That's mine! Give me back.")
"This is not what I wanted to happen! I want to change back myself!" (Pororo's English Show; Thank you, my friends)
"And even cuter Pororo! (Hana: Hi, Pororo!) Hi, Hana. What are we going to do today? (Hana's Toy Show; Tayo got stuck in a box!)(In Korean: 더 귀여운 뽀로로예요! [하나: 안녕, 뽀로로?] 안녕하세요, 하나누나. 오늘은 뭐하고 놀 거예요?)
"Into the toy world, Let's, go~!" (Hana's Toy Show; Don't brush your teeth with chocolate)
"헤헤헤, 뽀로로는 여깄지롱~!" (Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng; 뽀로로가 나타났다)(English translation: [chuckles] I am here!)
"그야, 어벙이가 날 불러 줬으니까!" (Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng; 뽀로로가 나타났다)(English translation: Of course, because Eo-beong called me!)
"얘들아, 얘들아. 그럼 우리 숨바꼭질 놀이하고 놀까?" (Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng; 뽀로로가 나타났다)(English translation: Hey guys, shall we play hide and seek?)
"얘들아, 우릴 사랑하는 너희들 마음 절대 잊지 않을게." (Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng; 뽀로로가 나타났다)(English translation: Friends, we will never forget the love you have for us.)
"우와~ 신난다! (웃음) 다음은, 더 신나게! '곰 세 마리'! (Let's Get Together Ding Dong Deng; 창사특집 한마음 동요대잔치)(English translation: Wow~ This is exciting! (Laughs) Next up, even more exciting! 'Three Bears'!)
At first, Pororo thinks Crong is a scary monster and runs away from him, but after a while, they slowly became friends and Pororo adopts him as a little brother. They also can have a little rivalry sometimes, as shown in "Crong The Troublemaker", "A Day In Pororo's Town", and most episodes, but they always get along in the end. But they are Best Friends now.
Loopy and Pororo are good friends. One time, Pororo made Loopy cry, but they made up for each other in the end. Pororo, along with Eddy are always tying for her attention until Petty came. She also admires him a lot and tends him more than a friend. She also goes to Pororo's house and brings him and Crong deserts.
Eddy and Pororo are good friends. They also had some rivalries sometimes, as shown in some episodes. One time, Eddy thinks that Pororo touches his snowman and made a fight with him. One time, Eddy gets revenge on Pororo by making the others think that Pororo is the one who is being mean to them, but they also get along friendly.
Poby and Pororo are good friends. One time, Poby helps Pororo get his fishing rod, he also has helped him many times. In "To Tell The Truth....", Pororo forgives Poby for pushing a snowball at him.
Petty and Pororo have a lot in common. They are the same age and species. Petty is also Pororo's female best friend. He also has a crush on her (mentioned in the episode Petty, the Great Storyteller). Petty is also his 'Dancing Partner' in the Dance Festival with the dance "Do Not Move" (Pororo Singalong). In the third season, Loopy tells a tale about Pororo will marry Loopy, but Pororo denied and replies with "But I want to marry beautiful Princess Petty!". Pororo and Petty like each other.
Harry and Pororo are good friends. Pororo often teases Harry for being too small, but Pororo and Harry also get along well and Harry also greets him when he saw Pororo.
Rody and Pororo do not interact a lot sometimes, but they don't mind keeping each other company. In "We Are Good Friends", they worked together and became close.
Tong Tong
Pororo and Tong Tong are good friends. One time, they thought of a plan to rescue Poby and the others. He also looked for his clock with Pororo one time.
Popo and Pipi
Although they are not seen interacting a lot sometimes, they don't mind keeping eaching other company. But Pororo missed them a lot.
Tu-Tu and Pororo are good friends. He once went with him to save Eddy.